
When we moved to Austin just over two years ago, one of my first (and fast!) friends became Brittany. At the time, she and Reas were engaged to be married that following July. Once Reas and Luke met, it became clear they were about to both  become two of our closest friends here in our new home. Our unfamiliar home, with few friends or social life. They welcome us into their lives and friendship circles, invited us to outings and their Friendgiving.

We owe them so much. So when Brittany asked if I’d do an anniversary shoot for them, just one year after their wedding day, it was a no brainer. Anything for our dearest friends. We are so blessed by you two! xo

  1. Brittany Macken said:
    LOVE you and these pictures. So grateful we met and get to journey through these fun life events together XOXOX
    October 25, 2017  2:26 pm

The story of you, our sweet little Will.

We welcomed our boy into the world in an unplanned fashion, tough on this type-A planner mamma, but good for my soul in beginning the practice of letting go of control. I’m writing this four weeks in and that challenge has only continued, at it’s fullest.

My goal during pregnancy was have a natural birth, early labor at home, “experience it all”. We wanted an intervention-free birth, and tried all of the natural labor-inducing tricks. I found myself growing bitter at each attempt, and sad each morning I woke up realizing another day and night had passed. I experienced early labor at 38.5 weeks for a few hours, and then simply assumed he would come any day after as my “body was getting ready”.

August 2nd, our due date, came and went. Then August 3rd….5th….10th…and then, our induction date was upon us. My parents flew in that Sunday morning, giving us some sweet one-on-one time with them for a few days before heading in to the hospital at 5:00pm on Monday, August 14th. Upon our arrival, we signed in, I got changed and an IV placed, turned on the Cubs game, and talked through the doctor’s inducing plan and my hopeful birth plan. At that point in my already different “plan”, I just wanted to trust Jesus, my body, and the hospital team. The anticipation of what was next was unlike any other.

We started the inducing process by inserting a foley balloon to increase my cm (still only 2.5cm after 3 weeks) and kept it in overnight. Throughout the night I had on/off contractions, some stronger than others, and spent the evening with Luke by my side sleeping for 2 hours, then walking or bouncing on a labor ball for an hour, trying to keep things going.

By 6:30am I was up to 3.5cm and the balloon came out. Then more light contractions for the next few hours. Finally at 11:30am they checked me again and were ready to break my water, because our man was still not ready to come out on his own. Then, from about 12:00pm to 2:30pm, the painful, intense, active labor contractions took place. This is the phase I will never forget, and yet it’s the foggiest. I began laboring on my side and remember hearing myself roar with pain, gripping the bed rails, fearing the next contraction, with Luke and my doula comforting me with back massages and cold cloths. Later I found out my parents were just outside, hearing my screams, and praying over the room together.

At one point I got sick and thought “I can’t do this anymore…”. So I asked to be checked and consider an epidural. After a few minutes my Dr. came in, checks me and says “well you’re 8cm, and 90%. If you want to request an epidural it should be now or never”. I vaguely remember her saying this, but will never forget my nurse looking at me and saying “girl, I think you got this”. And I did too. And to be honest, the idea of pausing labor to get the epidural sounded worse than pressing on…

My mom came in, I needed her for whatever was next to come. I switched positions a few times, but labored best on my side with the peanut ball and did that as long as I could. Then finally, it was pushing time. Sweet relief. After about 45min of pushing, we were close. Very close. I reached down and felt our little guys’ head which brought on a much needed urge of energy because I again remember thinking “I can’t do this anymore..”. At one point his progress paused, with his little head sitting at just about brow line, and I’d never felt so motivated, encouraged, or the amount of adrenaline I did at that moment. He was ok, but it was time! After a few more long pushes, he was out and immediately placed on to my chest. And the pain was gone. I will never forget that feeling. The slippery feeling of him on my chest (I was equally slippery from sweat) and saying “Oh my goodness he’s so cute! Look at his lips!”

While the Dr. stitched me up and removed the placenta, our sweet William and I had immediate skin to skin time as they wiped him off. Then they took him to the side to capture his length, weight, and head size. 41 weeks and 6 days and he was here!

William Moses Helm
9lbs, 2oz, 22in
August 15th, 2017

The experience was everything I could have dreamed of, and I’m grateful for our story. Our unique story. Not how I “planned” but perfect in every way. Our son is beautiful, healthy, and after 3.5 weeks of the most difficult challenge of breastfeeding, surpassed his birth weight. And now, the unknown of mommy hood, questions of “how to do it” and “what’s best”, mom guilt, and our new everyday continue. It requires grace and patience, and has brought a love I didn’t know existed, but continues to grow each day as we get to know each other more and more.

We love you William Moses, more than you’ll ever know. I can’t wait to see what Jesus has in store for you, and we are honored to be your mommy and daddy.

  1. Sandi said:
    You will make a wonderful mommy and I'm sure Luke will be an awesome Dad. As you've quickly learned, children rule you until they can communicate fully -- possibly 18? Lol. Every pregnancy, birth, child is different. Enjoy every moment because the roller coaster of life doesn't slow down! Miss ya!
    September 12, 2017  8:50 pm
  2. Great Aunt Jan said:
    This brought tears to my eyes! Just loved it...all! Brought back memories...mine, our grandkids' arrivals, all the joy, pain, and celebration! Blessings on you all!
    September 13, 2017  9:24 am

November 2 – Cubs win the World Series, and we celebrate with friends. Then we go home….and keep celebrating.

December 1 – We take a pregnancy test, see positive, panic and read the instructions to confirm a positive, then quietly crawl into bed and watch Star Wars on the iPad and fall asleep, not saying much, but just processing with a smiling glance or two at each other.

December 12 – My OB squeezes us in for an appointment and confirms that we are, in fact, expecting. Due August 2, and already 6 weeks along, confirming it was a not only a World Series baby but our very first “try” (if you can call it that). We even walked away with a sonogram of our tiny mustard seed (below). And then we packed to leave for the Midwest just two days later for the holidays.

December 20 – We tell our families, all in town for the holidays, over my birthday dinner at Harry and Izzy’s with Luke toasting to “my wife, her 31st birthday..,yada yada…and to the health of the baby!” Screams erupt and we spend the rest of the evening celebrating.

And since then I’ve embarked on one of the most memorable and incredible journeys my body, and our life, has taken. And it’s only the beginning…

Now being two(ish) weeks out, I wanted to put a post together for my records and remembrance starting with a summary of life in each trimester, followed by an assortment of tips, advice, and my experience of “traditional” pregnancy happenings.

First trimester (0 – 12 weeks) – I need to start this section out by stating I was one of those. I didn’t get sick once, my life stayed nearly the same (even regarding sleep and hormones), and I almost had to remind myself I was pregnant before ordering a glass of wine with dinner. I continued to work out but do remember feeling queasy at a barre class at 10 weeks. Does that count?

Second trimester (13-27 weeks) – This is a fun phase, as they say. Mainly because it’s when I started actually showing and feeling pregnant, but still wore most of my pants and clothes. I started pinning nursery ideas and started registries but there really wasn’t much else baby or prep I could be doing — other than keeping him and myself healthy!

  • 14 weeks, we headed up to Chicago for two of our best friends’ wedding.
  • 17 weeks, we went to Sedona on a family trip.
  • 19 weeks, I flew to Florida for an engagement session, beach trip, and sweet time with my in-laws.
  • 20 weeks, I felt him kick for the first time laying in bed. I’m going to miss that feeling so much! I also shot Matt and Laura’s wedding and realized “Oh man, that was tough and tiring, and I have 6 more to complete before he’s here” and reached out to my incredible network of mommy photographers asking for tips.
  • 21 weeks, we found out we were having a boy, and our hearts simply continued to soften (we secretly wanted a boy). And we finally announced our pregnancy on Facebook.
  • 23 weeks, I shot the wedding of a lifetime. A three-day wedding in Boca Grande, FL with my incredible sister-in-law leading the event….then just two days upon returning, I had my first experience with swollen legs from shooting for so long and travel. No fun!
  • 25 weeks, I shot Amberly and Derek’s wedding stunning wedding at Laguna Gloria.

Third trimester (28-40 weeks) – I hit my third trimester while in Greece (below in Hydra), what a dream. With my mamma by my side who was able to feel him kick a few times. The third trimester hasn’t brought too much more other than Texas heat and just getting bigger and bigger. What a special time of “count down” and getting as many date nights in as we can.

  • 27-28 weeks, I spend 8 days in Greece on a bucket list trip with my mom, see part 1 and part 2 of the trip on the blog.
  • 29 weeks, just three days after returning from Greece, I drive up to Dallas for Alex and Jordan’s tuscan wedding, then drive back to Austin for Brad and Adrienne’s Camp Lucy wedding. A double header! Really couldn’t have done it without my two assistants.
  • 30 weeks, me and baby boy embark on our last flight pre-labor. We visit our families in the Midwest for our baby showers. I walked away full of amazement and a little emotionally overwhelmed knowing how much love he already has in his life, and will continue having. This world is a mess, but his little world is full of love and support.
  • 33 weeks, I shoot my final wedding before our baby boy arrives. It’s hot, but we’re all hot together so that helps in solidarity. John and Sarah couldn’t have been a greater couple, or had a greater wedding, to capture. And they were cool with me wearing birkenstocks! Much love.
  • 36 weeks, we have our final ultrasound. He is healthy, has an average sized head (yes!), and progressing nicely towards an on-time delivery.
  • 36 – ?, it’s triple digits here in Austin. I’ve been living at the Dripping Springs pool, Juiceland, inside, or at movies that have reclining seats only. At 38 weeks, I’m uncomfortable and getting more ready by each blazing hot day that passes. I feel myself getting slower, exhausted, wanting naps (never needed them before now), and sore if I sit or stand for too long.

I love you so much already little man, be kind to your mamma! I can’t wait to see if you have your daddy’s dimples…

Now for the tips, observations, and/or personal experience with “typical” pregnancy happenings or stereotypes. Reminder: this is my personal experience. I had a few people comment that pregnancy really did agree with me so take all of this with a grain of salt knowing that, every single pregnancy is different.

Body, hormonal, emotional, sleep changes:

  • Let me start this by saying I’ve never loved my body more. To be sitting on a couch, eating a bag of chips, knowing your body and the grace of Jesus is growing a human. It is mind-bending to think about, I never want to take my body for granted or hate on it again knowing what it’s done for our son with very little change of lifestyle or effort from me. Ladies, love your bodies, trust it, treat it well. God is so good and it’s only strengthened my awe of Him, His grace, and equipping women to do this.
  • I felt my bump pop around 17 weeks, my sleep patterns have 90% remained the same (even at 38 weeks), but more recently I’ve experienced a few bouts of braxton hicks and pain in my right elbow similar to sciatic nerve pain a lot of women feel. Bizarre huh??
  • I haven’t felt too many hormonal changes along the way but definitely emotional roller coasters throughout the entire process of “What have we done…”, “I can’t wait to be a family of three….”, “I’m going to miss our traveling, spontaneous life…”, and “I’m excited to feel that explosion of love I hear about…”. All over the map y’all!


  • I started the pregnancy process worrying about what I ate, tried to eat extra healthy (though we ate pretty healthy already), loading our weekly meals with salmon and lentils and finally realized “Dang, my body has this covered. I’m going to enjoy this time” and found myself indulging in sweets more than I ever have. We’ve continued to eat about the same, I just may have just gone for seconds and ordered dessert more often.
  • No insane food or smell aversions throughout this time, and had just one craving: ice cold skim milk and Nesquik chocolate powder. Yep, that’s it. I took one sip, downed the whole glass, and haven’t touched it since.


  • I’m an active (some say over active) person by nature, it’s in my DNA, I never slow down. And, as laid out above by trimester, my life didn’t change much. It’s true what “they” say, continue doing most of what you did before you became pregnant, especially in the first and second trimester, and always listen to your body on what it can or can’t do. I’ve never been a big runner but knew a girl who run up till 36 weeks. Mad props there.
  • I continued working full time, shooting weddings, traveling, etc as much as I could with my Doctor’s permission and advice. However, I remember about 20 weeks switching to barre and yoga workouts from my more regular spin and circuit workouts, ready to get back to those!
  • Currently I’m trying to start each morning with good stretches, especially for my hips and inner thighs.

Maternity clothes:

  • I didn’t love shopping or even owning maternity clothes. I didn’t want to invest much and avoid if at all possible. Like most things, I reached out to my mommy friends on where they shopped and then found myself at Old Navy, Loft, H&M and ASOS. I mainly just purchased pants/jeans (no way around that), a few staples, a few fun items, and some flowy non-pregnant items.
  • My advice: don’t wait to get yourself some maternity jeans/pants like I did. They’re game changers in comfort and there’s no reason to fight it.. And y’all, I have LIVED in these. Literally wearing them right now at 38 weeks. Worth every penny.


  • Journal, journal, journal. I had this from the beginning, had this on our registry, and received this from our dear and talented friend Kristen of homeseed paper. I’m not great at journaling but how incredible to be able to look back on this time, especially when my brain turns to mush.
  • Registries were surprisingly annoying to make, not fun like a wedding registry. Maybe annoying is too strong of a word, but they took some serious time to create. Because here’s the thing, what the heck do I know what he’ll need. My friends were incredible in telling me what they could/couldn’t live without, good/better/best brands, what to spend on and what to save on, etc. From there, it came down to aesthetic. Or poor guy is going to have to learn about color in a book or something because his mamma loves neutrals. Building the registries took more time/research/swapping than I anticipated but I’m so ever grateful for the items we’ve been given that people blessed us with. I ended up at Babylist and BuyBuyBaby.
  • Apps and books. Early pregnancy I skimmed Active Birth and found it really enlightening and helpful on your options for birth, and the history of giving birth. Now I’m reading Baby Wise and The Sleep Lady’s book on routines and sleep. For apps, I loved BabyCenter and would really only recommended that one, personally. I also loved getting Lucie’s List emails, they’re just honest and funny and catered to where you are in your 9 months.
  • Get those “things” done you’ve been putting off or may need to do in those first few months. For us, it was getting the cars checked and oil changed, dentist appt/filling, dermatology appt, vet appt, treating our leather couch, and even polishing our stainless pots/pans.
  • Find a doctor or midwife you love and trust, and then really trust them.
  • Ask for advice, everywhere. But take each piece, article, conversation, or blog post as that person’s personal experience. Go to different people for different topics, search for honesty not fluff.

There you have it, let me wrap up this longest post ever immediately before I continue to ramble. As always, please don’t hesitate to reach out with questions or advice. Especially if you are experiencing pregnancy and want some of of that honest advice I sought. I’m here for you and want to share in this journey with you as so many of my friends, mom, and mother and sisters-in-law did for me. Now just two weeks out, my goal is to then put a part 2 post together of our labor story — but let’s just survive this heat and heavy belly first. xoxo



  1. Lissa said:
    Loved hearing about your pregnancy journey. Our's sound very similar. I definitely took naps for the first time in my life. I only felt nauseous a couple times, a few Charlie horses in the middle of the night and things like that. I stayed very active and never regretted it. Enjoy these last two weeks. I loved date nights with Gabe towards the end. I also never had a sweet tooth until I was pregnant and that stuck around! I also discovered that I truly loved and was in awe of my body during/after pregnancy. It's incredible what it can do. Love you guys. You will be amazing parents.
    July 20, 2017  8:41 pm
  2. Brittany said:
    ? love this so much!!! Can't wait to meet baby Helm. It's been so fun to get to see you through this journey. XO
    July 20, 2017  10:51 pm

This wedding y’all! Every little moment, person, and detail. I met John and Sarah nearly a year and a half ago at Michael and Holly’s wedding and was thrilled when Sarah reached out about their own wedding. I just loved reconnecting with them at their engagement shoot walking around Austin and then finally shooting their wedding (at 33 weeks!) on June 16th. The minute I pulled into Barr Mansion, saw Sarah and the bridal party, and her dress hanging in the corner, I knew it was going to be a good day.

It was a hot day, but an incredible day. Everyone braved the triple digit heat index for bridal party photos, a gorgeous ceremony under the oak tree, family portraits, and then stealing John and Sarah for that golden light of bridal portraits. Their cigar bar was such a highlight of the evening, welcoming everyone from a much needed break from their packed dance floor. And, like now three of my Texas weddings, their night ended with the A&M fight song and John and Sarah driving away in a 1950s Jaguar. Unreal…

The two of them are contagious in their love for each other, God, and those closest to them. The whole emotion and laughter of the day emulated that. John and Sarah, I can’t wait to see how you continue to grow in your love for one another. Marriage is truly the greatest adventure. Love to you both!

I truly, with the temperature and being pregnant, couldn’t haven’t done this without my two assistants Adrien with Pine and Blossom and Amy with Amy Odom Photography. You ladies were lifesavers!

Ceremony: Barr Mansion | Reception: Barr Mansion | Coordinator: Krystal Wigfield with In Her Shoes | Caterer: Barr Mansion | Cake Artist: Barr Mansion | Photographer: markit photography | Videographer: R. Scott Media | Invitations: HH Design House | Florist: Bloom & Bud | Makeup Artist: Pearl Artists | Hair Stylist: Pearl Artists | Wedding Dress: Brickhouse Bridal | Wedding Shoes: Stuart Weitzman | Bridesmaids Dresses: David’s Bridal | Men’s Suits: Men’s Warehouse | DJ: Live Oak DJ | String Quartet: Terra Vista Strings

  1. This is just so sweet and fun! What a fantastic job you did capturing their wedding day! They must be head of heals for these images!
    July 19, 2017  2:34 pm

Santorini. I’ve heard from so many it’s unlike anywhere else in this world. I had high hopes for this place, and they were somehow exceeded. With every turn, view, hike, meal, and sunset. I truly can’t put into words the feeling felt walking to our back patio and that first view of the white villa covered mountainside. Like a dream, and from our patio.

We stayed at Remezzo Villas which came highly recommended on Trip Advisor (thanks to my mamma again for all the research!) and every word of those reviews was right. It was affordable, beautiful, comfortable, relaxing, and we felt so well taken care of. It was effortless to be there. The kindest staff, taking care of everything for us even before we arrived. Getting to know us by name and the five-course breakfast each morning with again…..that view. Now for the details!

Day 4-8: Santorini

Upon our arrival from Athens, we were picked up by a staff member from Remezzo. We then got settled, talked to Christina (manager) about our tentative itinerary and her recommendations, took a billion pictures immediately from our balcony, and walked to dinner at Mezzo (get the Ladotyri cheesein!) and walked back to our villa with the below sunset as our company.

On our second day, we took our time getting up. Enjoyed that five course breakfast I mentioned, and then did a nice and simple hike up Scarros, pictured above. If you look closely, you can see people at the very top but we opted out of that endeavor. After that we laid by the pool with a book for awhile, got dressed and walked to yet again another incredible restaurant, Aegeon Restaurant (get the cheesecake!).

Hey third trimester!

Day 6 was our huge, long, must-do hike to Oia. The city at the very northernmost tip of Santorini, about 6+ miles from out villa. Whew! It was tough but so worth it. Once we arrived into the town we got gelato, a few gifts for friends and family back home, explored the town a bit, then walked down to the port. This was easily the hardest part of the hike (probably because I was so over it by then) but we ate our well-deserved lunch of fresh sun-dried octopus, a greek salad, pita and tzatziki at Ammoudi Fish Tavern.

Day 7 was our 5-hour sunset sail with Santorini Sailing. While the sunset itself wasn’t as perfect as our first night there (then again how could that be topped), it was such a great experience touring the entire island by boat, learning all about it’s history, seeing the red and black beach, and swimming the hot springs (not me!). And the food, the meal on that boat was nearly the most memorable part — but then again food always seems to be.

And finally, day 8. I am so proud of my mom for this day, the adventure we had renting a car and driving her driving the whole island on such tight roads — and stick shift. If I weren’t pregnant we both agreed we would have done a 4-wheeler, which I’d recommend, but instead we turn our data on, threw on Google Maps, and explored the little 10 x 3 mile island. We ended the evening at Christina’s favorite restaurant on the island, Metaxi Mas. After that, we kept our rental to get us to the airport, packed, FaceTime’d with our husbands, and went to bed early.

It was a long, but very nice flight home from Athens > Munich > Chicago via Lufthansa, an overnight in Chicago for some quick hangs and brunch with friends, then Chicago > Austin to my people.

View part 1, Athens and Hydra here, and as usual never ever hesitate to reach out with questions or more tips! I truly can’t imagine a better “babymoon” and mommy/daughter trip. We built memories and had experiences that will never be replaced or even matched, and I can’t imagine a better country or travel partner to have done so.

Let me begin this post by saying thank you to my mamma. For making Greece possible, being the greatest partner and friend a girl could ever dream of (I can’t wait to see how much I’m like you as a mom), for trying new things every day on this trip, and joining me on this bucketlist adventure!

Next, I can’t say enough about our new travel camera. The Fujifilm x100T. I reached out to one of my awesome photography Facebook forums asking what they all travel with and the list was pretty unanimous. I used to carry my Mark II + 1-2 lenses and it was just killing my back and light packing vibes. This little guys shoots raw, at 32mm, video, film simulation, easily fits into a little side purse or small bag, and does more that I haven’t even tapped into. Check it!

Now, for the trip! I should start by saying Greece lived up to every little hope, dream, idea, instagram/Google image, rumor and story you hear/see. I loved it more than I expected to. It was the perfect overseas trip (for me!) to do while pregnant, actually reaching my third trimester while there. Athens had the history, Hydra had the walking and horses, and Satorini had the views.

Day 1 and 2: Athens

Upon our arrival to Greece by way of Chicago > Zurich > Athens, we went straight to our incredible hotel Athens Gate and went upstairs for dinner, overlooking the Acropolis as the sun went down, then walked the open market street just next to our hotel. Obviously trying to keep ourselves awake. The next morning we woke up and did a 3m bike tour with Athens by Bike (highly recommend!), took a nap, grabbed a street Gyro and hiked up to the Parthenon, then just beside the Parthenon walked up Mars Hill (mom not me!), and finally walked all over Plaka before eating along the famous Plaka stairs at Elaia. It was so, so good. Our first experience with a Greek salad. lamb, and honey donuts. Then slooooowly walked back to the hotel for some much deserved zzz’s.

Day 3: Hydra

Next up, our day trip to Hydra! One of the many islands just off the coast of Athens. Took an 1.5hr long ferry and immediately grabbed some delicious breakfast right at the port. We mainly just walked all over the island, taking in it’s unique culture of horses and donkeys, side streets, bougainvillea trees, and local small business and restaurants. We hiked along the coast and ended our day with some ice cream before the ferry trip back.

That night back in Athens, we walked to dinner at Arcadia and went straight to bed after!

Pro tip: many restaurants give you a free shot and/or dessert after your meal. Just go with it and enjoy.

27.5 weeks!

Next up part 2 in Santorini!