Travel OPEN greece part 2 | santorini | travel June 16, 2017 Santorini. I've heard from so many it's unlike anywhere else in this world. I had high hopes for this place, and they were somehow...
Travel OPEN greece part 1 | athens + hydra | travel June 5, 2017 Let me begin this post by saying thank you to my mamma. For making Greece possible, being the greatest partner and friend a girl c...
Travel OPEN family getaway to sedona | travel March 3, 2017 Am I the only one that, when the holidays roll around, realize I really don't need anything. Like at all. And my family has felt t...
Travel OPEN thanksgiving in vancouver | travel December 30, 2016 Keeping that bucket list checked. Since we live thousands of miles away from family, and since we were spending two weeks in th...
Travel OPEN montana exploring | travel June 28, 2016 Getting that "Hey! My Montana bride might want another shooter, wanna come with me??" text from my girl Cassie, and realizing your...
Travel OPEN yolo nola | travel March 16, 2016 Luke and I are in full-blown "we don't have kids yet so let's do and see as much as we can while we can" mode. Insert: Luke's spri...