Without sounding too biased or like a total jerk, can I just say this has been the greatest season I’ve experienced as a wedding photographer? I truly belive it was, and will be the year I look back on. Feeling forever grateful for.
It is going to take a lot to top the 2014 season. I am thankful beyond words for the opportunities, a city with endless backdrops, and fellow photographers I’ve been able to meet, shoot with, networking alongside, and see become friends.
2014 turned out to be my busiest with 15 weddings, the year I updated packaging and added the oh-so-fun polariod photo, shot my first proposal and first anniversary shoot, and captured the greatest moments of love anyone could ask for.
As I take the next few months to rest before 2015 season kick in, I wanted to take a minute to say THANK YOU to each of you reading this, and to every couple who allowed me into your lives and most perfect day in such an intimate way. I truly wouldn’t here, wouldn’t be doing what I’m most passionate about, and wouldn’t have met what I call the greatest list of couples I truly can call my friends.
Here’s to you 2014,